Our story begins In Warda, Maharashtra - in the seventies...
Ajit at the Worker's University at Somnat
Doris and Ajit with a friend at Somnat
Ajit's adopted pet panther at Somnat
Call it serendipity: Ajit, at that time a young adult in his early twenties, was part of a team tasked with preparing the ground for Baba Amte’s Worker’s University at Somnat, in Warda District of Maharashtra, India. Doris, a young college student from Germany, would spend her vacations volunteering with social organisations in different parts of the world. This is how she came to Somnat and met Ajit.
Sons Anil and Ashok
The 70s style Camper Van
Camping Holiday
Doris and Ajit spent the initial years of their married life at Hannover, Germany. Their sons Ashok and Anil were born here. So also the idea to move back to rural India to start an eco-agricultural project in Ajit’s hometown Goa.
Farm House under construction
Digging the well
Construction of the Biogas Digester
Back in Goa, the first months were spent setting up the basic infrastructure. An irrigation well had to be dug, the house had to be built and all utilities set up. One of the first investments was in a biogas digester to provide for an autonomous supply of cooking gas.
Deforestation had taken a toll on the land
Buffalo in front of a field
Early days of the plantation
The land had suffered from reckless deforestation based on misguided policies in the 60s. So the task was to regreen 50 acres of barren land, by setting up irrigation, and implementing soil building and conservation measures.
Hornbills have become a common sight
Lush greenery of the plantation
Thus, the land was gradually transformed into a green oasis. The methods employed were largely traditional, and strictly organic. This helped the ecosystem recover, and it’s now teeming with biodiversity.
Jackfruit harvest
Riding a buffalo
Playtime at the farm
In the meantime, the kids had a great time growing up on the plantation. The daily 1.5 hour commute to school was compensated by the perks of a giant natural playground – swimming in an open well, climbing trees, building rafts at the nearby river… even riding buffalos!
Doris with little Arti and friend Madubai
Arti's wedding
Oma, Doris’ mother, used to spend the winter months at the farm. She ensured the kids maintained their connection to Germany with a steady supply of German childrens’ books and Fairytales. The kids would soon be joined by a little sister – Arti. The three would go on to do their higher studies in Germany. Eventually though, all of them found their way back to Goa.
Fresh harvest of coconut
Cardamon (Masala Velchi)
Cashew Fruits with Nut
The land now produces abundant yields of fruits, vegetables, herbs and spices. The cropping pattern is consciously very diverse, the main crops being coconut, betelnut, cashew and pepper.
One of the Cottages
A Family Friend from Germany visiting in the 80s
The Natural Water Swimming Pool
Starting with family & friends, a steady flow of visitors have made their way to the farm. A few cottages as guest accommodation, a nature trail and a natural water swimming pool have since been added for guest comfort.
Preparing Turmeric for Grinding
Distillation of Cashew Liquor
Drying of Copra to make Coconut Oil
Value added products like Ghee, Coconut Oil, Jams and Pickles are now also produced at the farm. Ajit’s Urak (first distilled Cashew Liquor) has become famous within and beyond Goa for it’s excellent quality and purity.
Save the Western Ghats Movement
Celebrity Chef Kiran Jethwa enjoying Jungle Juice
Ajit has received several recognitions for his work in organic farming, amongst them the prestigious Goan Farmer of the Year award. He’s also been engaged with local and regional ecological movements and social initiatives. The farm has been featured on FoxLife India, The Telegraph, The Hindu and many more. Watch us on German TV here.